
Friday, May 2, 2014

Products We Love: Erasable Gel Pens

It has been a while since I posted last! We have been very busy because something very wonderful happened: we accepted an offer on our house! So if all goes through we will be closing June 20th and getting moved to NC sometime shortly thereafter. I am so very excited but also a little nervous! When you want something so bad it is hard not to be a little scared. So far everything has gone well, just need to get through the appraisal which is taking forever but should hopefully be done in the next week or so. Once we make it through that I am packing!

So anyway, for my post today I wanted to talk about one of my absolute favorite products I have found for homeschooling and just everyday use. Enter: erasable gel pens! I heard about these guys on a blog somewhere and just had to find them. I found a little pack at Office Depot and put them to use right away. You may be wondering how an erasable pen is possible, I did too. But seriously...these work. They leave far less marks and residue than any pencil I have ever used. Like nothing. And they are such pretty colors! Perfect for scheduling, homeschool planners (you can use a different color for each child!), anytime you want a pretty color and brightness of a pen but with the ability to erase. Apparently they make erasable markers and highlighters too! (Maybe y'all already know this and I'm just behind. Either way, I'm still pumped about these.)

Oh boy and now I just saw the Amazon has even more colors. Might be doing some shopping soon! If y'all didn't know already...I'm a bit of a color addict :) This meme might have been made for me. It really is an issue sometimes. Sometimes I'll be looking at curriculum and think "That one doesn't have any color, forget that.". And then I have to remind myself that it isn't about color, it's about content. Hopefully I'll get better about that. 

Anyway, if you don't have them yet, treat yo'self to these awesome pens. (Yes that was a Parks & Recreation reference. Love that show.)


  1. Hi! I found you via the fb page. There are even Frixion highlighters (not to feed your addiction)!

  2. Hello! I saw those on Amazon...I may or may not be adding them to my next order ;)
