Thursday, March 20, 2014

Why We Chose to Homeschool and Other Thoughts on Education

I began to think about and research homeschooling when I was pregnant with Solomon. I knew from my own public school experience that I wanted better for my children. As I have gone deeper in my research and simply being a mother, I have found several more important reasons for us to homeschool, as well as develop an educational philosophy. That being said, I'm a total newbie at homeschooling. I'm sure my philosophy will change and grow over time. And these reasons and philosophies are for MY family. Others see and do things differently and that's fine. So not in any particular order, here we go:

1. I feel a personal calling to be home with my children and to be the one that is nurturing them in every way. Of course I believe that there is a benefit in my children learning from others, but ultimately, the shaping of their hearts and minds should happen predominately in our home. I also struggle with the idea of sending them away for 8 or so hours a day, 5 days a week. For us, that's just too much time for them to be out of our care and influence, especially when there is rampant anti-God agendas, sex, drugs, etc. going on in public schools. Now does that mean I'm going to shelter my children from the realities of the world? No way! I don't hide much from my kids and I'm guessing they know more about what goes on in the world than most their age. I am honest because I want to equip them to be prepared for what they may face, as well as learn how to pray for those matters.

2. I believe (HOPE!!) that I can give my children a superior education. From my personal experience, and many others I know, the atmosphere of public schools is not conducive to growing a love for learning. I am an intelligent person and when I apply myself, I know I can succeed at anything. But I was a C average student in school. Why? For one thing I was more interested in my peers and their opinions of me than grades or even my family. Being taught with the pressures of tests, mountains of homework, potentially failing or falling behind, etc. did not encourage a healthy appreciation or interest in what was being taught. Beyond that, I don't believe in a one size fits all instructional model. With homeschooling, I can tailor my children's education to their individual learning styles. I also spent a lot of time doing NOTHING in school. We can spend more time learning and playing at home or wherever we go. I have also read numerous studies showing that homeschoolers do better on SAT's so that is encouraging to me.

3. Freedom of schedule. I love not being tied down by anything. I love that with homeschooling, we can do it anywhere, anytime, and take breaks anytime we want. If we feel led to serve in Africa for a few months, we can pack up our books and go. If we start a unit on elephants, we can go to the zoo everyday that week and get to know them in real life.

4. This is more for me than my kids...but my giftings are administration and teaching. So for myself personally, I absolutely love setting up school, planning curriculum, and teaching my kids!

That's everything in a nutshell. I could go into a lot more but I'll save that for another time.

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